Wednesday 8 October 2014

Type of Cyber Crimes & Applicable Law (INDIA)

1. Email Hacking :

Case 1
1. Victim’s password has stolen & obscene emails are sent to his/her friends from address book.
2. Section 43,66,67 of IT ACT,2000 & section 509 of IPC.
3. Person who is hacking email account as well as person who is misusing it is responsible for this crime.

Case 2
1. Victim’s password has stolen & hacker tried to threaten victim to extort money from him
2. Section 43,66,of IT ACT,2000 & section 384 of IPC.
3. Person who is hacking email account as well as person who is misusing it is responsible for this crime.

Case 3
1. Victim’s password has stolen & hacker is sending virus, worms or either 419 scam mails from his/her account
2. Section 43,66,of IT ACT,2000
3. Person who is hacking email account as well as person who is misusing it is responsible for this crime.

2. Virus Dissemination

Viruses are programs which affect available files on the computer & spread over networks using internet.

Case 1
1. Virus is targeting individual or specific organization which is not detected by antivirus softwares.
2. Section 43,66 of IT Act,2000 and section 426 of IPC.
3. The virus writer as well as the person who is spreading virus is responsible for this crime.

Case 2
1. The person pirates softwares & send Pirated Cds
2. Section 43,66 of IT Act,2000 & 63 of Copyrighted act.
3. The person who pirates as well as person who buy & use those softwares are responsible.

3. Cyber Pornography Crimes

As per IT act,2000, publishing, transmitting & causing to be published any porn material in electronic format is considered as cyber crime. There are millions of websites which includes pornography material online.

Case 1
1. Suspect abuse specific person by publishing his/her nude/naked pictures, clips & sell it online.
2. Section 67 of IT Act,2000
3. The person who creates & maintain such websites are liable for such crimes.
4. Sometimes cyber café owners are also liable as they are allowing their customers to view such websites.

4. Social Networking (Facebook/Orkut) Fake Profile Impersonation Cases

Case 1
1. Fake profile of female is created & photograph, phone number & address has been posted on the profile.
2. The profile also describes female as prostitute.
3. Section 67 of IT Act,2000 & 509 of IPC.

Case 2
1. Fake Community has been created & wrong information about individual/organization has been posted.
2. Section 153A & 153B of IPC.

5. Web Defacements

1. Crackers/Hackers found loopholes in website. Hacker then replaces the index page with some other page. Hacker can even delete data available of websites.
2. Section 43,66 of IT Act,India & in some cases 67 also.

6. Email Scams

1. Suspect/nigerian sends thousands of emails & convinences victim to get out of lot of money. Suspect can also give lucrative offers like job offers,lottery & investment offers.
2. Section 420 of IPC.
3. Sender of an email, sometimes bank account are liable for this crime.

7. Source Code Theft

Program source code is most important asset of any organization. Source code theft is common in software/IT companies.

Case 1
1. The person theft the code & sell it to the other party after making modification in the source code.
2. Section 43,65,66 of IT Act,2000 & 63 of copyright act.
3. The person who has stolen the code is liable.

Case 2
1. The person theft the code & sell it to the company competitors.
2. Section 43,65,66 of IT Act,2000 & 63 of copyright act.
3. The person who has stolen the code as well as the person who buy such code are liable.

8. Theft of confidential information

Case 1
1. Employee steals confidential information of company & mail to competitors & also post it on to websites & forums.
2. Section 43,66 of IT Act,2000 & 426 of IPC.

Case 2
1. Employee steals confidential information of company & threaten company to make it public unless company pay him money
2. Section 43,66 of IT Act,2000 & 384 of IPC.
3. The person who has stolen information as well as person who threaten victim are liable.

Case 3
1. Business rivals obtains information using hacking,social engineering & use it for their benefits.
2. Section 43,66 of IT Act,2000 & 426 of IPC.
3. The person who has stolen information as well as person who misuse information, both are liable.

9. Online Sale of illegal articles

Sale & Purchase through net There are web site which offer sale and shipment off contrabands drugs They may use the techniques of stenography for hiding the messages. Depending upon illegal iteams,provisions of narcotic drugs,psycotropic substance act,arms act,wild life related laws can also be applied.

10. Credit Card Frauds

Case 1
1. Victim’s Credit cards have been misued on airline websites, online gambling websites, pornography websites.
2. Section 43,66 of IT Act,2000 & 420 of IPC.
3. All persons who have stolen information to who have misused information online are liable.

11. Mobile Crimes

Mobile Phones have become popular means of communications. SMS forging is method to spoof identity of SMS. Call Forging is method to spoof caller ID of Call.

Case 1
1. Suspect has misused victim’s no to send SMS or make call to other person/ competitors.
2. Section 65,66 of IT Act,2000.
3. The person who is misusing the victim’s no as well as company who allows user to change identity of SMS or Call are liable.

Source: Master Deepak, Computer Tips & Tricks
Unknown Web Developer

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